储备: store for future use; lay in ...库存量: storage; inventory器材: equipment; material; apparat ...储备库存量: reserve stock储备库存: reserve stock设备库存量: equipment inventory锅炉储备器: boiler storage化学储备器: chemical reserve棉花储备库: cotton stockpile最低库存量, 保险储备量: minimum stock储备存量: reserve stock储备: 1.(储存备用) store for future use; lay in; lay up 储备过冬饲料 lay up fodder for the winter; 储备粮食 store up grain; build up supplies of grain2.(储藏品) reserve; store 黄金储备 gold reserve; 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserve; 储备原料 have raw materials in store库存储备成本: costs of carrying inventory保持储备, 维持库存: maintenance of stock调节性库存储备: buffer stock装备器材: equipage缓冲寄存 保险储备 调节性库存储备: bufferstock库存量: inventory level; stock balance; stock size; storage rate; tank farm stock常备库存: running stock仓库, 库存, 储备, 保留剧目轮演: repertory医疗设备器材: medical equipment and su ly; medical equipment and supply保留,储备: reserve边缘;储备: margin储备,保留: reserve储备薄: sb sales book